How to publish Journal Papers International Standard Serial Number

What Should you Keep in Mind Before writing Reserch Paper 

  1. File format
  2. length
  3. heading 
  4. Font size
  5. reference style equations
  6. layout spacing
  7. page and line numbers
  8. footnotes
  9. abbrevations  

General structure for writing an academic journal article
  1. Title. The title of your article is one of the first indicators readers will get of your research and concepts. ...
  2. Keywords. ...
  3. Abstract. ...
  4. Acknowledgements. ...
  5. Introduction. ...
  6. Main body. ...
  7. Conclusion. ...
  8. References and citations.

A Closer Look at Common Formats

Books – Usually a substantial amount of information, published at one time and requiring great effort on the part of the author and a publisher.

Magazines/Journals – Published frequently, containing lots of articles related to some general or specific professional research interest; edited.

Newspapers – Each is usually a daily publication of events of social, political and lifestyle interest.

Web sites – Digital items, each consisting of multiple pages produced by someone with technical skills or the ability to pay someone with technical skills.

Articles – Distinct, short, written pieces that might contain photos and are generally timely. Timeliness can mean that it’s something that is of interest to readers at the point of publication or that is something the writer is thinking about or researching at a given point of time.

Conference Papers – Written form of papers delivered at a professional or research-related conference. Authors are generally practicing professionals or scholars in the field.

To write journal for Medical Sciences/Engineering Sciences/Technology related use this format
  1. Contents
  2. Focus and Scope
  3. Abstract
  4. Introduction
  5. Methodology
  6. Application
  7. Results and Discussion 
  8.  Conclusion
  9. Declarations 
  10. References  
An ISBN indexes your book
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Submitting your Reserch Paper in india You can submit your reserch paper for free or Paid In india. There are many journals in india offer publication process in  both free or paid
Steps to be Foolowed
  1. Find Your Appropriate Journal 
  2. Prepare your Papers For Submission
  3. Submit and Rvise 
  4. Track Your Reserch Paper Through Reference Number
  5. Share and Promote Your Papers 

Choosing Wisely

Features of Legitimate Journals

 There are things to look out for when trying to decide if a free publication journal is legitimate:

  1. Mission statement—The mission statement for an OA journal should be available on their website.

  2. Publication history—Is the journal well established? How long has it been available?

  3. Editorial board—Who are the members of the editorial board, and what are their credentials?

  4. Indexing—Can the journal be found in a reliable database?

  5. Peer review—What is the peer review process? Does the journal allow enough time in the process for a reliable assessment of quality?

  6. Impact factor—What is the average number of times the journal is cited over a two-year period? 

Features of Illegitimate  Journals

There are predatory publications that take advantage of the OA format, and they are something to be wary of. Here are some things to look out for:

  1. Contact information—Is contact information provided? Can it be verified?

  2. Turnaround—If the journal makes dubious claims about the amount of time from submission to publication, it is likely unreliable.

  3. Editorial board—Much like determining legitimacy, looking at the editorial board and their credentials can help determine illegitimacy.

  4. Indexing—Can the journal be found in any scholarly databases?

  5. Peer review—Is there a statement about the peer review process? Does it fit what you know about peer review?

International Standard Serial Number

An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is an eight-digit serial number used to uniquely identify a serial publication, such as a magazine.The ISSN is especially helpful in distinguishing between serials with the same title. ISSNs are used in ordering, cataloging, interlibrary loans, and other practices in connection with serial literature.

The ISSN system was first drafted as an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) international standard in 1971 and published as ISO 3297 in 1975. ISO subcommittee TC 46/SC 9 is responsible for maintaining the standard.

When a serial with the same content is published in more than one media type, a different ISSN is assigned to each media type. For example, many serials are published both in print and electronic media. The ISSN system refers to these types as print ISSN (p-ISSN) and electronic ISSN (e-ISSN). Consequently, as defined in ISO 3297:2007, every serial in the ISSN system is also assigned a linking ISSN (ISSN-L), typically the same as the ISSN assigned to the serial in its first published medium, which links together all ISSNs assigned to the serial in every medium.

Free Online Journal and Research Databases

1. CORE 

Collection: 219,537,133 OA articles

2. ScienceOpen

Collection: 74,560,631
Collection: 6,817,242
Collection: 1,292,897
Collection: 1,983,891

6. Social Science Research Network

Collection: 1,058,739 abstracts; 915,452 articles
Collection: 12 journals
Collection: 5,768 repositories
Collection: 276,019,066 documents; 9,286 content providers 

Collection: 10,784
Collection: 266 countries

12. Paperity 

Collection: 8,837,396 
Collection: 5,884,702 

14. EconBiz 

Collection: 1,075,219 
Collection: 507,212 

16. JURN 

Collection: 5,064 indexed journals 

17. Dryad

Collection: 44,458 

18. EThOS

Collection: 500,000+ 

19. PubMed 

Collection: 33,000,000+
Collection: 203,379,033


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