MCQ on Thermodynamics JE Mecjanical Part 2 byhomeacademy •February 25, 2023 MCQ on Thermodynamics JE Mecjanical Part 2
First Law of Thermodynamics MCQ Practice 1 byhomeacademy •February 23, 2023 first law of thermodynamics.1st law of thermodynamics.first law of thermodynamics mcq
ssc je mechanical II Thermodynamics MCQ Practice IIssc je mechanical previous year paper byhomeacademy •February 21, 2023 ssc je mechanical II Thermodynamics MCQ Practice IIssc je mechanical previous year paper
ssc je mechanical II Thermodynamics MCQ Practice IIssc je mechanical previous year paper byhomeacademy •February 21, 2023 ssc je mechanical II Thermodynamics MCQ Practice IIssc je mechanical previous year paper
ssc je mechanical II Thermodynamics MCQ Practice IIssc je mechanical previous year paper byhomeacademy •February 21, 2023 ssc je mechanical II Thermodynamics MCQ Practice IIssc je mechanical previous year paper 1. Absolute temperature of 77K = ..........., approximately. (a) - 196°C (b) 350°C (c) 77°F (d) None of these Ans. (a) 2. A thermometer…