
Q1. Coerce -
(a) enchant
(c) cajole
Q2. Chronic-
(a) ordinary
(c) common
Q3. Garrulous-
(a) guttural
(c) concise
Q4. Tilt-
(a) slant
(c) cross
Q5. Inept-
(a) capable
(c) strong
CGL 4/6/19 Morning
(b) pressurize
(d) leave
CGL 4/6/19 Morning
(b) persistent
(d) temporary
CGL 4/6/19 Noon
(b) throaty
(d) talkative
CGL 4/6/19 Noon
(b) straighten
(d) support
CGL 4/6/19 Evening
(b) fit
(d) clumsy
Q6. Inarticulate- CGL 4/6/19 Evening
(a) fluent
(c) eloquent
(b) inevitable
(d) incoherent
Q7. Indelible 
(a) Illegal
(c) Inerasable
Q8 . Triumph-
(a) Fight
(c) Attack
Q9. Entice-
(a) ensue
(c) enrage
(b) Illegible
(d) Ineffective
CGL 6/6/19 Morning
(b) Victory
(d) Peace
CGL 6/6/19 Noon
(b) entail
(d) entrap
Q10. Dubious
(a) certain (b) fishy
(c) loyal                   (d) steady
Q11 Drag-
(a) rush
(c) push
Q12. Engulf-
(a) encroach
(c) entangle
Q13 Lethal-
(a) harmless
(c) fatal

(b) pull
(d) rest
CGL- 6/6/19 Evening
(b) enshrine
(d) envelop
CGL-7/6/19 Morning
(b) healthy
(d) strong
Q14. Prevalent- CGL- 7/6/19 Morning
(a) unusual
(c) rare
(b) common
(d) different
Q15. Rampant- CGL-7/6/19 Noon
(a) excessive
(c) rare
(b) limited
(d) gentle
Q16. Exempt - CGL-7/6/19 Noon
(a) hinder
(c) reduce
Q 17. Reticent
(a) silent
(c) extrovert
Q 18. Fury
(a) sorrow
(c) cruelty
(b) exclude
(d) prevent
CGL 7/6/19 Evening
(b) garrulous
(d) confident
CGL 7/6/19 Evening
(b) anger
(d) fright
Q 19. Precarious- CGL 10/6/19 Morning
(a) abundant (b) dangerous

(c) valuable
Q 20. Sterile
(a) pure
(c) barren
Q21. Pensive
(d) premature
CGL-10/6/19 Morning
(b) productive
(d) sordid
CGL-10/6/19 Noon
(a) spontaneous (b) spiteful
(c) reflective (d) tragic
Q22. Vindictive CGL-10/6/19 Noon
(a) watchful
(c) forceful
Q23. Lament
(a) distress
(c) afflict
(b) revengeful
(d) helpful
CGL-10/6/19 Evening
(b) torment
(d) mourn
Q24. Repudiate CGL-10/6/19 Evening
(a) renounce
(c) regret
Q25. Perplex
(a) surprise
(c) complex
Q 26. Defer
(a) dread
(c) dictate
(b) sanction
(d) enforce
CGL-11/6/19 Morning
(b) bewilder
(d) deceive
CGL-11/6/19 Morning
(b) despair
(d) delay
Q27. Mammoth CGL-11/6/19 Noon
(a) gigantic
(c) perilous
Q28. Taciturn
(a) phlegmatic
(c) reticent
Q29. Exalt
(a) challenge
(c) condemn
Q30. Concise
(a) brief
(c) complex
Q31. Renown
(a) obscurity
(c) wisdom
Q32 Devout
(a) revered
(c) pious
Q33. Intricate
(a) complete
(c) connected
Q34. Assist
(a) help
(c) create
Q35. Adept
(a) skilled
(c) alone
Q36. Initiate
(a) sign
(c) start
Q37. Obstacle
(a) benefit
(c) accessory
(b) minuscule
(d) magnificent
CGL-11/6/19 Noon
(b) talkative
(d) placid
CGL- 11/6/19 Evening
(b) praise
(d) extract
CGL- 11/6/19 Evening
(b) detailed
(d) lengthy
CGL-12/6/19 Morning
(b) fame
(d) conceit
CGL-12/6/19 Morning
(b) loyal
(d) distant
CGL-12/6/19 Noon
(b) colorful
(d) complex
CGL-12/6/19 Noon
(b) mend
(d) change
CGL-12/6/19 Evening
(b) kind-hearted
(d) unknown
CGL-12/6/19 Evening
(b) slow
(d) show
CGL-13/6/19 Morning
(b) clearance
(d) barrier
Q38. Endeavour CGL-13/6/19 Morning
(a) success (b) result
(c) achievement (d) attempt
Q39. Insult
(a) remove
(c) offer
Q40. Hostility
(a) enmity
(c) goodwill
CGL-13/6/19 Noon
(b) apply
(d) offend
CGL-13/6/19 Noon
(b) sympathy
(d) friendship
Q41. Attribute 
(a) respect
(c) praise
Q42. Fuse (V)
(a) correct
(c) break
(b) speech
(d) quality

(b) unused
(d) combine
Sol 1. (b) pressurize
मजबूर करना- persuade (an
unwilling person) to do something by
using force or threats.
(a) enchant
(मंũमुƭ करना) - fill (someone)
with great delight; charm.
(c) cajole
(फु सलाना/ बहलाना) -persuade
(someone) to do something by sustained
coaxing or flattery.
(d) leave-
छु ǥी/छोड़ना - go away from
Sol 2. (b) persistent
Chronic means
(िचरकािलक) - persisting
for a long time or constantly recurring
(a) ordinary
(साधारण) - with no special or
distinctive features; normal.
(d) temporary
(अ̾थायी) -lasting for only
a limited period of time; not permanent.
Sol 3. (d) talkative
Garrulous means- excessively talkative
(a) guttural (कǶ̾थ) - produced in the
throat; harsh-sounding
(b) throaty-
(मोटे या भारी गले का) deep and
(c) concise-
(संिƗɑ) brief but
Sol 4. (a) slant - slope or lean in a
particular direction; diverge or cause to
diverge from the vertical or horizontal
Tilt - slant -
(b) straighten(सीधा करना) - make or
become straight
Sol 5. (d) clumsy -बेढंगा- lacking social
skills; tactless
Inept means- clumsy - having or showing
no skill;
(अयोƶ/ मूखŊ)
(a) capable(सƗम) -having the ability,
fitness, or quality necessary to do or
achieve a specified thing.
Sol 6.(d) incoherent - expressed in an
incomprehensible or confusing way;
Inarticulate means- unable to express
one's ideas or feelings clearly or
easily./not clearly expressed or

Incoherent (बेतुका) means expressed in an
incomprehensible or confusing way;
(a) fluent
(धाराŮवाह) -able to express
oneself easily and articulately.
(b) inevitable
(अिनवायŊ) -certain to happen;
(c) eloquent
( सुवƅा) - fluent or persuasive
in speaking or writing.
Sol 7. (c) Inerasable - incapable of being
Indelible means - (of ink or a pen) making
marks that cannot be removed.
(जो िमट न सके )
(a) Illegal(अवैध) - contrary to or forbidden
by law, especially criminal law.
(b) Illegible
(अ˙ʼ) not clear enough to
be read.
(d) Ineffective
(अŮभावी) - not producing
any significant or desired effect.
Sol 8. (b) Victory - an act of defeating an
enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or
other competition
Triumph means a great victory or
Sol 9. (d) entrap - catch in or as in a trap
Entice means
(लुभाने) -attract or tempt by
offering pleasure or advantage.
(a) ensue
(पीछा करना) -happen or occur
afterwards or as a result.
(b) entail -involve (something) as a
necessary or inevitable part or
(c) enrage-
(Ţोिधत करना)- make (someone)
very angry.
Sol 10. (b) fishy means arousing feelings
of doubt or suspicion.
(संिदƭ) means - hesitating or
(a) certain
( िनिʮत)able to be firmly relied
on to happen or be the case.
(c) loyal
(िनʿावान) -giving or showing firm
and constant support or allegiance to a
person or institution.
(d) steady
(İ̾थर/ िनयिमत)- firmly fixed,
supported, or balanced; not shaking or
Sol 11. (b) pull - to use force to move
somebody/something towards yourself
Drag- to pull somebody/something along
with difficulty
(a) rush means move with urgent haste
( हड़बड़ी)
(c) use force to move
somebody/something forward or away
from you
(d) rest- to relax, sleep or stop after a
period of activity or because of illness
Sol 12.(d) envelope means -wrap up,
cover, or surround completely.
Engulf means
(िनगल जाना) - sweep over
(something) so as to surround or cover it
(a) encroach
(अितŢमण करना) - to use more
of something than you should
(b) enshrine
( पिवũ समझ कर सुरिƗत रखना) -
place (a revered or precious object) in an
appropriate receptacle
(c) entangle(cause to become twisted
together with or caught in) -
उलझाना /जाल
मŐ फं सना
Sol 13.(c) fatal( sufficient to cause death.)
Lethal means fatal
(a) harmless(अहािनकर) - not able or likely
to cause harm
(b) healthy - in a good physical or mental
condition; in good health
(d) strong - having the power to move
heavy weights or perform other
physically demanding tasks
Sol 14. (b) common - occurring, found, or
done often; prevalent
(Ůचिलत) means -widespread in a
particular area or at a particular time.
(a) unusual
(असामाɊ) - not habitually or
commonly occurring or done
(c) rare
( दुलŊभ ) - (of an event, situation, or
condition) not occurring very often
(d) different - not the same as another or
each other; unlike in nature, form, or
Sol 15. (a) excessive - more than is
necessary, normal, or desirable;
Rampant means
(अिनयंिũत) - flourishing
or spreading unchecked
(b) limited
(सीिमत/ मयाŊिदत) - restricted in
size, amount, or extent; few, small, or
(d) gentle-
(सǍन)- having or showing a
mild, kind, or tender temperament or
Sol 16.(b) exclude (वजŊन करना/ बाहर रखना/
अलग करना)
Exempt means -( मुƅ ) - free from an
obligation or liability imposed on others.
(a) hinder
(रोकना) - make it difficult for
(someone) to do something or for
(something) to happen.
(c) reduce-
(छोटा करना)- make smaller or
less in amount, degree, or size
(d) prevent - keep (something) from
Sol 17.(a) silent - not making or
accompanied by any sound
Reticent means - .
मौन रहने वाला ( not
revealing one's thoughts or feelings
(b) garrulous-
बातूनी - excessively talkative,
especially on trivial matters
(c) extrovert-
बिहमुŊखी- outgoing, socially
confident person
Sol 18.(b) anger - a strong feeling of
annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.
(रोष)- wild anger
(a) sorrow
(दुः ख) - a feeling of deep
distress caused by loss, disappointment,
or other misfortune suffered by oneself or
(c) cruelty (िनदŊयता/
behaviour or attitudes
Ţू रता) - cruel
(d) fright (डर) - a sudden intense feeling
of fear
Sol 19.(b) dangerous - able or likely to
cause harm or injury
Precarious means not secure-
(a)abundant- Ůचुर - existing or available in
large quantities; plentiful.
(c) valuable- worth a great deal of money
(d) premature-
अपįरप̋ व- occurring or
done before the usual or proper time; too
Sol 20. (c) barren- (of a tree or plant) not
producing fruit or seed
Sterile means - (of a plant) not able to
produce fruit or seeds/ barren (
(b) productive
(उȋादक) - producing or
able to produce large amounts of goods,
crops, or other commodities
(d) sordid
(िघनौना) - involving immoral or
dishonourable actions and motives;
arousing moral distaste and contempt.
Sol 21. (c) reflective-िचंतनशील-relating to
or characterized by deep thought;
िचंताŤˑ-engaged in, involving,
or reflecting deep or serious thought.
ˢाभािवक-performed or
occurring as a result of a sudden impulse
or inclination and without premeditation
or external stimulus.
(b) spiteful-
ȪेषपूणŊ-showing or caused by
(d) tragic-
दुखद-causing or characterized
by extreme distress or sorrow.
Sol 22. (b) revengeful-Ůितिहंसक-eager for
Ůितिहंसाȏक-having or showing
a strong or unreasoning desire for
(a) watchful -
चौकɄा - watching someone
or something closely; alert and vigilant.
(c) forceful-
बलशाली-strong and assertive;
vigorous and powerful
Sol 23. (d) mourn-शोक-feel or show
sorrow for the death of (someone),
typically by following conventions such
as the wearing of black clothes.
Lament -
िवलाप - a passionate expression
of grief or sorrow.
(a) distress-
संकट-extreme anxiety, sorrow,
or pain.
(b) torment-
यातना-severe physical or
mental suffering.
(c) afflict-
पीड़ा देना-cause pain or trouble
to; affect adversely.

Sol 24. (a) renounce-ȑाग- formally
declare one's abandonment of (a claim,
right, or possession).
पįरȑाग करना-refuse to accept;
(b) sanction-
Ůितबंध-a threatened penalty
for disobeying a law or rule.
(c) regret-
खेद-feel sad, repentant, or
disappointed over (something that one has
done or failed to do).
(d) enforce-
लागू करना- compel observance
of or compliance with (a law, rule, or
Sol 25. (b) bewilder(उलझन मŐ
)-cause (someone) to become
perplexed and confused.
(उलझाना)-make (someone) feel
completely baffled (confused)
(a) surprise
(आʮयŊ)-an unexpected or
astonishing event, fact, etc.
(c) complex
(जिटल)-consisting of many
different and connected parts.
(d) deceive
(धोखा) -deliberately cause
(someone) to believe something that is
not true, especially for personal gain.
Sol 26.(d) delay-make (someone or
something) late or slow.
टालना-put off (an action or event) to
a later time; postpone.
(a) dread-
भय-anticipate with great
apprehension or fear
(b) despair
-िनराशा-the complete loss or
absence of hope.
(c) dictate
-ŠƏ करना-state or order
Sol 27.(a) gigantic -िवशाल-of very great
size or extent; huge or enormous.
िवशाल- large
(b) minuscule-
बŠत कम-extremely small;
(c) perilous-
जोİखम-full of danger or risk.
(d) magnificent-
beautiful, elaborate, or impressive.
Sol 28. (c) reticent-अʙभाषी-not revealing
one's thoughts or feelings readily.
अʙभाषी-reserved or
uncommunicative in speech; saying little.
(a) phlegmatic-
सुˑ-having an
unemotional and stolidly calm
(b) talkative-
बातूनी-fond of or given to
(d) placid-
सौʄ-not easily upset or
Sol 29. (b) praise-Ůशंसा-express warm
approval or admiration of.
Ůशंसा करना-raise to a higher rank or
(a) challenge-
चुनौती-a task or situation that
tests someone's abilities.
(c) condemn -
िनंदा करना- express complete
disapproval of; censure.
(d) extract-remove or take out, especially
by effort or force.
Sol 30. (a) brief-of short duration; not
lasting for long.
Concise-giving a lot of information
clearly and in a few words; brief but
(b) detailed-
िवˑृत-having many details or
facts; showing attention to detail.
(c) complex-
जिटल-consisting of many
different and connected parts.
(d) lengthy-
लंबा-of considerable or
unusual length, especially so as to be
Sol 31. (b) fame (शोहरत)
Renown means यश same as fame -the
condition of being known or talked about
by many people;
(a) obscurity-
अŮिसİȠ- the state of being
unknown/ unimportant.
(c) wisdom
( बुİȠमानी) - having
experience, knowledge
(d) conceit-
(अहंकार)-excessive pride in
Sol 32. (c) pious (धािमŊक) - devoutly
Devout means pious - having or showing
deep religious feeling or commitment.
(a) revered -
ŵȠेय - feel deep respect
(b) loyal-
िनʿावान- faithful
(d) distant-
दू रवतŎ-(far away in space or
Sol 33. (d) complex
(जिटल) - very complicated or
Sol 34. (a) help
Assist means help (someone), typically by
doing a share of the work.
(b) mend-
मर̱ मत- repair (something that is
broken or damaged)
(c) create- bring (something) into
(d) change- make (someone or something)
different; alter or modify
Sol 35. (a) skilled
(िनपुण) - very skilled or proficient at
Sol 36.(c) start
Initiate means to begin/start
Sol 37. (d) barrier -(अवरोध/नाका) -a fence
or other obstacle that prevents movement
or access.
(बाधा) - a thing that blocks one's
way or prevents or hinders progress.
(a) benefit - an advantage or profit gained
from something
(b) clearance
( भुगतान/िनकासी) -the
action or process of clearing or of being
(c) accessory-
(अितįरƅ/सहायक) a thing
which can be added to something else in
order to make it more useful, versatile, or
Sol 38. (d) Attempt- make an effort to
achieve or complete (something difficult)
Endeavour -
पįरŵम- an attempt to achieve
a goal.
(a) success- the accomplishment of an aim
or purpose
(b) result- a thing that is caused or
produced by something else; a
consequence or outcome
(c) achievement- a thing done successfully
with effort, skill, or courage

Sol 39.(d) offend (अपमान करना) cause to
feel upset, annoyed, or resentful.
Insult - a disrespectful or scornfully
abusive remark or act.
( अपमान)
(a) Remove- take (something) away or off
from the position occupied.
(b) apply- make a formal application or
(c) offer- present or proffer (something)
for (someone) to accept or reject as
Sol 40.(a) enmity(शũुता) -opposition or
Hostility- hostile behaviour;
unfriendliness or opposition.
(b) sympathy-
सहानुभूित- feelings of pity
and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.
(c) goodwill- friendly, helpful, or
cooperative feelings or attitude.

Sol 41. (d) quality
( िवशेषता) - a quality or feature
(a) respect- a feeling of deep admiration
for someone or something elicited by
their abilities, qualities, or achievements
(b) speech-the expression of or the ability
to express thoughts and feelings by
articulate sounds.
(c) praise- express warm approval or
admiration of.
Sol 42. (d) combine
Fuse (Verb)- join or blend to form a single
(a) correct- express warm approval or
admiration of.
(b) unused- not being, or never having
been, used
(c) break- separate or cause to separate
into pieces as a result of a blow, shock, or
(d) combine- join or merge to form a
single unit or substance.


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